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Welcome to the Geer Reunions Page
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The reunion was held at the Downtown Johnstown Holiday Inn where all meals & events were scheduled. The food was good, the entertainment engaging, & the presentations were lively!
        Lynn Geer Pryor, Ginger August, Audrey Geer Masalehdan, Ken Geer       Larry Geer     Hersh-Geer
                              Ginger August                 Rosemary Rainbolt Vergin                 Richard and Dorothy Geer
We had a great time meeting new relatives, hearing the presentations, watching Geer silent movies, & visiting the many historical sites of interest in Johnstown: the Johnstown Flood Museum, the Inclined Plane, the Flood National Memorial, The Path of the Flood Trail, the Flight 93 Memorial, & the Heritage Discovery Center's America Through Immigrant Eyes.
James Henderson Geer's son, Dr. Frank Densmore Geer, Sr. [ID #599-1-5, 1876-1938, Johnstown] attended the University of Pittsburgh & graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Dental School in 1899. His son, Dr. Frank Densmore Geer, Jr. [ID #599-1-5-1 1902-1955 Johnstown] joined his father's Johnstown dental practice.
Frank Densmore Geer Jr. had three sons. The first, Dr. Frank Densmore Geer III, MD psychiatrist (ID #599-1-5-1-1 b. 1923 Johnstown, d. 1999 New Castle), was a member of the Geer Family Association since its rejuvenation in June 1976 & generously donated funds to cover GFA's operating costs. The second son, Roger Friesell Geer (ID #599-1-5-1-2, b. 1927 Johnstown, d. 2012 NM) is the Geer family member responsible for GFA's 1976 resurrection & served as GFA President for many years. The third son, James Henderson Geer (#599-1-5-1-3 b. 1932 Johnston, d. 2015 Lancaster), graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1954, served as a pilot in the U.S. Air Force, rising to the rank of first lieutenant. After earning a Ph.D. in psychology, he held faculty positions at SUNY-Buffalo, Penn, SUNY-Stony Brook, LSU, & published 72 scholarly articles, 5 books & 15 book chapters. His ashes were scattered at Grandview Cemetery.
At the 2023 Johnstown Reunion, tables lining the walls displayed historical documents, creative genealogies, photographs & many other items of interest.
2023 Johnstown Reunion Presentations
The 2016 GFA general meeting, held at GeerCrest Farm near Salem, Oregon on the weekend of July 29, 30 & 31, was hosted by Erika Ursula & GFA Trustee for Region 6, Jim Toler. The Officers' Meeting began at the Grand Hotel as a dinner event in Salem and completed at The Aurora Colony Museum in Silverton, Oregon. At GeerCrest on Sunday July 31 reports were presented and elections were held at the Business Meeting led by Ken Geer.
Oregon Governor Theodore Thurston Geer
T.T. Geer Plaque
Theodore Thurston Geer born March 12, 1851 in Waldo Hills east of Salem, Oregon, was the son of Heman Johnson Geer and Cynthia Ann Eoff. He served in the Oregon House of Representatives, including time as its Speaker, and was the tenth Governor of Oregon, the first native-born Oregonian to hold that position. He served from January 9, 1899, to January 14, 1903, and died February 21, 1924. Geer was known for being an enthusiastic participant in the 1890s bicycle craze and signed the 1899 Cycle Path legislation passed by the State Legislature to create a statewide network of bicycle paths. As governor T.T. Geer regularly bicycled from his home in Macleay to the Capitol. T.T. Geer married Nancy Batte Duncan. They had three children.
The 2013 GFA general meeting, held in Ledyard, Connecticut on the weekend of June 21, 22 and 23, 2013 was hosted by Ken Geer, the GFA Registered Agent. The business meeting was held at the Congregational Church in Ledyard, as it has been in the past. President Gene Geer presided. Officers for the next three years were elected, presentations included talks on local history and the stonecutting profession in Connecticut. The always popular Show and Tell displays by Geer/Gere/Gear participants were appreciated by all. As was this special Geer cake!
Driving tours of the area took participants to the one-room Geer Hill Schoolhouse, to Geer cemeteries (including the grave of immigrant George Geer), to old Geer homes in area. Geer spring water tasting was enjoyed by all.
Photographs of the 2013 Reunion can be viewed here.
The 2010 General Meeting and Reunion of the Geer Family Association was held on Friday through Sunday, June 25 to 27, with an officers' meeting on Thursday evening, June 24.
                        President Gene Geer chairs the meeting.     Attendees enjoyed the scenery in the area.
A business meeting was held, tours of Geer homes and cemeteries were taken, and many new cousins became acquainted with each other. Here are some highlights:![]() ![]() The business meeting and programs were held in the Congregational Church in Ledyard. ![]() ![]() Geer homes were open for tours, like this Geer Homestead. George Geer is buried in this little cemetery. The Officers and Trustees met to propose a slate of new officers. Sam Geer gave a talk about the Geer DNA Project. Click here to see more photos of the Ledyard Reunion. A "Great Cousins Gathering" was held in Pascagoula, Mississippi, on February 14, 2009.The families of Frances Pearl Cockcroft Geer and Vasco R. Geer, Jr. (GFA Trustee from 1989 to 1992), met at the Jackson-George County Regional Public Library, courtesy of their Genealogy Department and Renee Gautier Hague, Genealogy Librarian and family friend.
Left photo: Gary Byrd, George Kellas, Sue Ellen Byrd Moore, Janie Batty, Judi Geer Kellas, Jon "Tiger" Geer, Laura Byrd Cooley, and L.J. (Jon) Geer. When Frances Pearl Cockcroft Geer died in November 2006, she was the last of her family of 12 children. The following February
family members were invited to attend the "inurnment" of her ashes next to her husband, Vasco R. Geer, Jr., in the Machpelah Cemetery in Pascagoula, MS.
After the graveside ceremony, about 30 nieces, nephews and close friends went to a local restaurant to celebrates her nearly 100 years of life. At the gathering
one of the cousins said to Judi Geer Kellas, "Why do we wait for someone to die to get together?" That gave Judi and her cousin, Janie Batty, the idea that
they should have a reunion of cousins. To everyone's delight, Geer attendees came from far and wide. Judi Geer Kellas had thought that most people would be from her mother's family, many of whom live in or near Pascagoula. Tiger Geer and his son, L. J., came from California, and Tom and Judy Geer Ewing came from Maine! What a wonderful event! A reunion of the descendants of James Henderson Geer and Anna M. Fought Geer was held in Johnstown PA in July 2008.Above: Five generations of descendants of James Henderson Geer and Anna M. Fought Geer at the dining room at the top of the Inclined Plane on Saturday, July 19. James Geer was the superintendent of construction on the project to build the Inclined Plane for evacuating Johnstown residents in the event of another major flood. The group included family members who traveled from Colorado, Florida, Maine, Tennessee, New York, Ohio, and other states. The cousins toured the Johnstown area and several cemeteries where ancestors are buried. Pictured below are James and Anna.