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Geer Hill School
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Geer Obituaries
Geer DNA Project
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Geer, Gear, Gere, Geere & other spellings
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The next Geer Family Reunion will be held in Ledyard, CT
Friday June 19 - Sunday June 21st 2026
Geer Family Association (GFA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing & preserving the genealogy of George Geer (b. circa 1621) & Thomas Geer (b. 1623), brothers, who at age 14 & 12, were put on a British ship by their uncle who asked that they be dropped off halfway out so they wouldn't inherit their father's estate. The boys fortuitously disembarked in Boston, thrived in Colonial America, & today have thousands of descendants in the USA & Canada. Through its newsletters, Facebook Group, Triennial Reunions, & this website, GFA encourages George & Thomas Geer descendants to connect!
Please Join
GFA & Enjoy the Many Membership Benefits:
GFA publications at reduced rates. We have a rich library of published George & Thomas Geer family research for sale, a must-have for every Geer family researcher. Shop!
GFA's triannual Newsletter (Fall, Spring & Summer in print & online). Sample
this Past Issue.
- Online access to all GFA's newsletters dating back to 1984.
They're loaded with Geer news, family stories, genealogy research findings & reveal how GFA evolved over the decades.
Free access to GFA's Ph.D. historian who will look for your Geer ancestors in GFA's data. Ask!
Reduced hotel rates for the GFA Triennial Reunion. Meet GFA members eager
to share research findings, tell fascinating (possibly hair-raising!)
family stories & enjoy the company of Geer cousins.
- Publish in The GFA Newsletter! The editor welcomes news of your weddings, births, obituaries, articles about your Geer ancestors & your Geer family photos.
- Add your Geer family memorabilia, pictures, birth records, Bible pages, etc. to GFA's archives. Share!
Membership in the Geer Family Association Facebook Group. Post your Geer news, findings
& photos on our FB page & keep in touch with your Geer cousins online.
Geer Facebook Group